Renewable Energy Solutions
A Solar Energy Vision
As a teenager, Mark Moore was captivated by a powerful vision. He saw vast expanses of dry arid land on Native American tribal reservations producing clean, abundant life-giving solar energy.
In the years since, Mark’s vision has fueled two of his great life passions – Native American culture and sustainability. Through active advocacy and outreach efforts, research and development, and tireless commitment, Mark has worked to realize his vision.
In 2004, Mark founded Solar Utilities Network (SUN), a developer of utility scale and commercial solar power production. A holder of multiple sustainable energy patents, Mark has extensive experience in the legal, financial, technological, and political nuances necessary to make sustainable energy viable.
SUN has developed a proprietary low-cost expandable 2MW solar power plant based on Mark’s design with automated solar tracking.
Toward a Sacred Alliance
From Wounded Knee to Standing Rock, the story of America has been intertwined with the struggle of Native peoples to preserve their land and cultural heritage from the relentless drive of materialism and consumption.
In an era of environmental degradation driven by fossil fuels, together with the plumetting cost of solar, it is no small irony that dry and barren Native reservations are now among the most valuable land in the U.S. for solar energy production.
Inspired by Native American philosophy, Mark Moore is deeply called to “join heart and mind” by building bridges of cooperation to launch the world’s first multilateral partnership among Native tribes for producing solar energy on Native land.
Mark has appeared as a keynote speaker on renewable energy at Native American conferences, and works tirelessly with council leaders throughout the Southwest to not only improve the economic health of the tribes, but also help move the United States toward true energy independence.
“Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.”
© 2022 Mark Glen Moore Enterprises
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